Key points from article :
Loss of dopaminergic neurons is a major cause of Parkinson’s disease.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can differentiate into neurons.
Priming MSCs in vitro to boost their differentiation into viable neurons in rat brains.
MSCs sourced from three human tissues: bone marrow, adipose tissue, and dental pulp.
Compound used for priming is 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol (22-HC).
After being treated with 22-HC, the MSCs began to strongly express neuron-specific chemical markers.
MSCs from dental pulp were the clear winner in neurogenerative potential.
Primed cells were transplanted into the brains of rats suffering from a surgically induced PD-like condition.
Performance was assessed prior to the surgery, after the surgery, and after the transplantation.
Stem cells that differentiated into neurons as much as 80%.
Record-breaking results, combined with the pressing need to counter Parkinson’s disease.
Research by AIIMS published in the Journal Nature.