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Forever Healthy Foundation structured review of published senolytics research

Little evidence of actual beneficial effects (rather than just biomarkers) so not recommended yet


Key points from article :

Available in their report: Risk-Benefit Analysis of Dasatinib + Quercetin as a Senolytic Therapy.

Dasatinib is a well-established medication used in the treatment of cancer.

Quercetin is a flavonoid common in plants.

They affect different types of senescent cells, they are often employed in combination.

Clearing senescent cells in rodents can prevent age-related diseases and extend the healthspan by up to 35%.

Screened over 3300 papers to find over 150 clinical and pre-clinical studies in its analysis.

Only results from 3 trials in humans in which D+Q was evaluated as a senolytic therapy.

Focussed on senescent cell markers - which are only hypothesized to translate to clinically meaningful effects.

2 of clinical studies were in patients with pre-existing disease - may not have an effect in healthy individuals.

The potential risks of D are extensive and well-known through its use in the treatment of cancer.

Prudent to avoid the use of D+Q as a senolytic therapy.

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Forever Healthy Foundation

A private, non-profit initiative with the mission to enable people to vastly extend their healthy lifespan

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Senescent Cells