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Filling your house with plants doesn't change the air quality

Review based on 30 years of research confirmed that houseplants don't have any value as air removers


Key points from article :

12 published studies were reviewed, and 196 experimental results were translated into clean air delivery rates.

140 m2 house or office needs 680 house plants to achieve the same airflow as a couple of open windows.

Rate at which plants cleaned volatile organic compounds from the air was so slow as to be irrelevant.

In a building with an extremely low airflow 1 potted plant per sq m might achieve 20% effectiveness.

Finding out how plants filter indoor VOCs could potentially be useful for 'biopurifiers'.

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Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology

JESEE aims to be the premier and authoritative source of information on advances in exposure science

Michael Waring

Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering at Drexel University

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Air Pollution