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Cryonic suspension following assisted death-first of its kind

Will there be an increased demand for assisted death?


Key points from article :

A terminally ill cancer patient opted for assisted death and underwent cryonic preservation.

Opted for assisted death using the End of Life Options Act in California.

First person in the history to undergo assisted death and then cryonic suspension.

Alcor says this allowed neural tissues to be rapidly preserved compared to prolonged dying process.

Quicker a patient can be put in to cryonic suspension following death the better.

This is Alcor Life Extension Foundation’s 164th cryopreservation.

The study about cryopreservation was published in Integrative Medicine Research journal.

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World leader in cryonics

Anders Sandberg

Senior research fellow at Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford

Integrative Medicine Research (IMR)

Scientific journal covering integrative medicine.

Shannon Vyff

Transhumanist, cryonicist, and author.

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