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Brain implants may restore movement in stroke survivors

Early trials of robotic brace coupled with brain implants to improve mobility of stroke patients


Key points from article :

Stroke is the leading cause of disability from a medical condition.

People stop being able to walk, see, talk, or control their hand or arm the way they once did.

A clinical trial using a brain implant and robotic brace could one day offer stroke patients a new option for better mobility.

“....brain electrodes send neuronal signals to an arm brace that then controls movement,” - Mijail Serruya, principal investigator.

Approved by the FDA only in the setting of investigational trials.

“This study will be the first patient implanted with electrodes who can walk and still live semi-independently,” - Dr. Serruya.

“Overcome abnormal muscle tone, while learning to control the patient’s arm via the brace.”

Regularly adjust and refine the artificial intelligence algorithms.

Will inform all future trials of brain-computer interface for fully implantable and wireless devices.

Preprint of the research by Thomas Jefferson University posted to MedRxiv.

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Mijail Serruya

Assistant professor of neurology at Thomas Jefferson University

Thomas Jefferson University

Private university in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Topics mentioned on this page:
Brain Interface, Stroke