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A 500-year-old Greenland shark unveils longevity secrets

Research offers insights for conservation and human heart health


Key points from article :

Greenland sharks hold the record for longest vertebrate lifespan (270+ years)

Researchers found a key factor involved in the longevity of the world’s oldest living vertebrate – the Greenland shark.

Cold environment and slow movement were once thought to be the key.

New research suggests muscle metabolism might be more important.

Unlike most animals, Greenland shark metabolism stays constant throughout life.

With a rapidly changing climate, long-lived species that are less able to adapt may be the most at risk of extinction.

Understanding their biology is vital to protect the species and improve human heart health.

Research by University of Manchester, presented at the Society for Experimental Biology Annual Conference in Prague.

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University of Manchester

Public research university

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Immortal Animals
A 500-year-old Greenland shark unveils longevity secrets