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Cover illustration silver infinity symbol - valdis torms.
Chapters: Ageing v life extension - eve*, Naked mole rat - belizar, Space colonisation - dottedyeti, How DNA codes - zvitaliy79, Telomeres - designua, The wrapping of DNA - zvitaliy79, How mitochondria convert fuel - Normaals, Tumours are formed - designua, Faulty cells that fail - designua*, Stem cells - metamorworks, Lysosomes - gritsalak, Breaking crosslinks - Ella, Continual rejuvenation - Denis Tabler + Simon, Micro SD - Roman Ivaschenko, Exoskeletons - Chudakov, Molecular nanobots - I.M.R, Robot surgeon - ekkasit919
Tips: #1, #2 Paul Rookes, #3 springtime78, #5 Gstudio Group, #6 okkijan2010, #7 stuartbur, #8 Monika Wisniewska, #9, #10 patnowa, #11 Tobias Arhelger, #12 Colin & Linda McKie, #13 panptys, #14 alexshyripa, #15 creative soul, #16 Jag_cz, #17 Mara Zemgaliete, #18 exclusive-design, #19 violetkaipa, #20 Jiri Hera, #21 valentinamaslova, #22 creative soul, #23 Harold, #24 Degimages, #25 samuel, #26 marilyn barbone, #27 freshidea, #28 Artistic Endeavor, #29 Bertold Werkmann, #30 bruno135_406, #31 bjphotographs, #32 Francesco Scatena, #33 travelview, #34 Poprotskiy Alexey, #35 WavebreakMediaMicro, #36 Tono Balaguer, #37 Daxiao Productions, #38 pressmaster, #39 molotok289, #40 rastlily, #41 michiel, #42 OlegDoroshin, #43 Nomad_Soul, #44 wirojsid, #45 olly, #46 storm, #47 Vadim Ponomarenko, #48 justtscott, #49 Dmitry, #50 auremar, #51 DragonImages, #52 VadimGuzhva, #53 Anastasiia23, #54 kmiragaya, #55 iceteastock, #56 vectorfusionart, #57 vladi59, #58 JohnKwan, #59 adimas, #60 Alexander Raths, #61 Axel Kock, #62 designua, #63 Robert, #64 Sherry Young, #65 Dmitri Stalnuhhin, #66 Patryk Kosmider, #67, #69, #70 matin, #71 Pixelbliss, #72 suprunvitaly, #73 XtravaganT, #74 ImagePixel, #75 zelimirzarkovic, #76 vchalup, #77 VPales, #78 macrovector, #80 Kzenon, #81 StockPhotoPro, #82 Africa Studio, #83 Mikalai Bachkou, #84 Monique, #86 129967211, #87 edwardolive, #88 Andrey Popov, #89 Sherry Young, #90 alexstepanov, #91, #93 roger ashford, #94 anamejia18, #95 once13, #96 Monet, #97 konradbak, #98 LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS, #99 Onidji, #100 archy13, #101 monsitj
Other sources:
Wright Flyer - Library of Congress, IBM 350 RAMAC -, Outrunning death - CartoonStock (Kim Wark), David H. Murdock - Jim Wezzer, Jeff Bezos - U.S. Department of Defense, Larry Ellison - Oracle Corporate Communications, Peter Thiel - Dan Taylor / Heisenberg Media, Sergey Brin - Steve Jurvetson, Vitalik Buterin - Romanpoet, Phosphatidylcholine - Swanson, Cryotherapy - RudolfSimon, Senescent cells - NIEHS (NIH)
*modified by Adrian Cull
All other images original creations by Adrian Cull.
UK life expectancy at birth - Office for National Statistics
Your chance of dying doubles every 8 years - Office for National Statistics
Cost of DNA sequencing -