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I can only apologise for being the stereotypical white, middle-aged male that seem overly represented in the life extension community. I had no say in my race and gender, but I think I know what influences people, including myself, to become interested in longevity in their forties. Basically, the body starts falling apart! My first experience of this was suffering from frozen shoulder – a painfully stiff shoulder that took almost two years to recover from. There’s no genetic or lifestyle reason for getting a frozen shoulder, you’re just more likely to get it if you’re aged between 40 and 60. Oh. Then my eyes started failing. Classic presbyopia where you can’t focus close up because the eye lenses get less flexible with age. I saw a pattern emerging.

Around that time, I read Ray Kurzweil’s “The Singularity is Near” and studied with interest the many charts proving the past exponential growth in technology, and what that means for the first half of this century. As medicine has merged with computing, it has entered the information technology age and will now experience the same rapid changes and improvements that we’ve seen in computers and mobile phones.

I was converted. So, I started collecting articles about anti-ageing research, ways of augmenting the human body and new medical technology, collating them onto my website that eventually became the Live Forever Club. I’m passionate about raising awareness in the general public about the coming revolution in life extension treatments and striving for “equality in longevity” – the club’s motto.

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