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Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

Multi-disciplinary research institute located in Seoul, South Korea.

The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) was founded in 1966 as the premier multi-disciplinary research institute in Korea. Its main goal is to lead Korea’s science and technology infrastructure in research, development, and transfer of creative, original technologies.

The main campus is located in Seoul with branch campuses in Gangneung and Jeonbuk, Korea. KIST Europe was established in Saarbruecken, Germany to facilitate collaboration with the European community.

Research areas include brain science, biomedical science, materials/devices, robotics/systems, energy, environment, and life/health.

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Details last updated 30-Sep-2020

Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) Blog Posts

New cancer therapies in 2022 achieving unprecedented remissions - reviewing a year of hope

New cancer therapies in 2022 achieving unprecedented remissions - reviewing a year of hope

Including gene editing, immunotherapy, modified viruses, vaccines, personalised medicine, and nanotechnology

People at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)

Youngdo Jeong

Senior Research Scientist at Korea Institute of Science and Technology

Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) News

A new stem cell therapy could prevent amputations in limb ischemia

EurekAlert! - 13-Mar-2024

This innovative therapy uses a collagen microgel scaffold to improve stem cell survival


Nanomachines exerts mechanical movements to exclusively target cancer cells

SciTechDaily - 16-Jun-2022

Latch recognises low pH environment around cancer cells for penetration


Rokit enters 3D bioprinting race - 22-Jul-2015

The manufacturer of the 3Dison range of desktop 3D printers has announced a $3 million government...


‘Microswimmer’ robots to drill through blocked arteries within four years

Kurzweil Network - 30-Jun-2015

Corkscrew-shaped bacteria enables drilling motion