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Survival Resources

The Live Forever Club collates details of as many people, organisation and things regarding Survival. Click through on any resource below to discover more about it.

Survival Creations

Application BBC Pandemic - App for better understand of pandemics.

Video Slaughterbots - FLI video depicting drone bots wreaking havoc

Film The Wandering Earth - 2019 Chinese science fiction film directed by Frant Gwo

Survival Books

Book Abundance - Manifesto for the future that is grounded in practical solutions written by Peter H. Diamandis - Amazon

Book Aging in World History - In Aging in World History, author David G. Troyansky presents the first global history of aging - Amazon

Book All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries) - 1st book in Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells - Amazon

Book Apocalyptic AI: Visions of Heaven in Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Virtual Reality - In Apocalyptic AI, Robert Geraci offers the first serious account of this "cyber-theology" and the people who promote it - Amazon

Book Artificial Condition - Science fiction novel #2 from The Murderbot Diaries series written by Martha Wells - Amazon

Book Collapse: How societies choose to fail or Survive - Book about collapse societies written by academic and popular science author Jared Diamond - Amazon

Book COVID-19 - The Pandemic that Never Should Have Happened and How to Stop the Next One - Amazon

Book Cyber-Humans: Our Future With Machines - Book about artificial intelligence and robots written by Woodrow Barfield - Amazon

Book Defending Planet Earth - Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies - Amazon

Book Emigrating Beyond Earth: Human Adaptation and Space Colonization - Book about space colonization with the context of human evolution written by Cameron M. Smith - Amazon

Book Exit Strategy - Science fiction novel #4 from The Murderbot Diaries series written by Martha Wells - Amazon

Book How to Find a Habitable Planet - The amazing science behind the search for Earth-like planets written by James Kasting - Amazon

Book How to Prevent the Next Pandemic - The book about pandemics and how to prevent it written by Bill Gates - Amazon

Book Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI - Human + Machine provides the missing management playbook for success in our new age of AI, written by Paul Daugherty - Amazon

Book Immortality: The Quest To Live Forever and How It Drives Civilisation - A fascinating work of popular philosophy and history that both enlightens and entertains written by Stephen Cave - Amazon

Book Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - How will Artificial Intelligence affect crime, war, justice, jobs, society and our very sense of being human, written by Max Tegmark - Amazon

Book Live Longer with AI - By Tina Woods - How artificial intelligence is helping us extend our healthspan and live better too - Amazon

Book Living in Space - Living in Space is a captivating study edited by Sherry Bell across a wide spectrum of the issues that humanity faces - Amazon

Book Longevity Promotion: Multidisciplinary Perspectives - Book written by Ilia Stambler considering the multidisciplinary aspects of longevity promotion - Amazon

Book Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong - Moral Machines is the first book to examine the challenge of building artificial moral agents written by Wendell Wallach - Amazon

Book Nanoweapons: A Growing Threat To Humanity - Book written by Louis del Monte - Amazon

Book Network Effect - Science fiction novel #5 from The Murderbot Diaries series written by Martha Wells - Amazon

Book Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence - Vision of a future epoch in which humans and artificial intelligence together will help the Earth survive written by James Lovelock - Amazon

Book Our Angry Earth - A comprehensive analysis of today's environmental threats and a guide on how we can heal our planet written by Isaac Asimov - Amazon

Book Our Final Invention - Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era written by James Barrat - Amazon

Book Outer Space: Problems Of Law And Policy - Book about space colonization and Ameerican legal problems associated with activity in outer space written by Glenn H. Reynolds - Amazon

Book Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100 - Vision of the coming century based on interviews with over three hundred of the world's top scientists written by Michio Kaku - Amazon

Book Prey - Science fiction, techno-thriller novel by Michael Crichton - Amazon

Book Prospects for Human Survival - Book written by Willard Wells where author discusses several of the most frightening hazards to our survival - Amazon

Book RAFT 2035: Roadmap to Abundance, Flourishing, and Transcendence, by 2035 - RAFT is about highlighting futures that are highly desirable written by David Wood - Amazon

Book Reality+ - Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy, a book written by David Chalmers - Amazon

Book Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets - The Search for the Million Megaton Menace That Threatens Life on Earth, written by Duncan Steel - Amazon

Book Rogue Protocol - Science fiction novel #3 from The Murderbot Diaries series written by Martha Wells - Amazon

Book Scythe - Dystopian book of a thrilling new series written by Neal Shusterman - Amazon

Book Singularity Rising: Surviving and Thriving in a Smarter, Richer, and More Dangerous World - This book focuses on the implications of a future society faced with an abundance of human and artificial intelligence written by James D. Miller - Amazon

Book Solar: Why Our Energy Future Is So Bright - Book written by Tam Hunt about solar power that is taking off as the price of solar is falling dramatically in the U.S. and around the world - Amazon

Book Suicide Club - How does society react when the vision of biological immortality has become reality, but has not yet fully arrived, written by Rachel Heng - Amazon

Book Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies - Superintelligence asks the questions what happens when machines surpass humans in general intelligence, written by Nick Bostrom - Amazon

Book Surviving AI: The promise and peril of artificial intelligence - A guide to what's coming, taking you through technological unemployment and the possible creation of a superintelligence written by Calum Chace - Amazon

Book Surviving Off Off-Grid: Decolonizing the Industrial Mind - Book about the lessons we should have learned, and what you can do to survive what history tells us must come next written by Michael Bunker - Amazon

Book Sustainable Superabundance: A Universal Transhumanist Invitation - Book by futurist David Wood - including a brief review - Amazon

Book The AI Does Not Hate You: Superintelligence, Rationality and the Race to Save the World - Book about the cutting edge of our thinking on intelligence and rationality written by Tom Chivers - Amazon

Book The Asteroid Threat: Defending Our Planet from Deadly Near-Earth Objects - William E. Burrows presents a realistic, workable plan for defusing a potentially lethal threat from a rogue asteroid or comet - Amazon

Book The End of the World: The Science and Ethics of Human Extinction - John Leslie provides an interesting account of plausible doomsday scenarios for the ending of humanity - Amazon

Book The Knowledge - How would you go about rebuilding a technological society from scratch, written by Lewis Dartnell - Amazon

Book The Ministry for the Future - Science fiction book about climate changes written by Kim Stanley Robinson - Amazon

Book The Moon: Resources, Future Development and Settlement - This book details how the Moon could be used as a springboard for Solar System exploration written by David G. Schrunk - Amazon

Book The Next 500 Years - By Chris Mason - Engineering Life to Reach New Worlds - Amazon

Book Visions of the Future - Visions of the Future is a collection of stories and essays including Nebula and Hugo award-winning works edited by J. Daniel Batt - Amazon

Book War in Human Civilization - Insights on all major aspects of humankind's remarkable journey through the ages, engaging a wide range of disciplines written by Azar Gat - Amazon

Survival Events

Event Anticipating the next Black Death - Conversation with author and journalist Debora MacKenzie

Event Artificial Intelligence-based Biomarkers of Ageing - NUS Healthy Longevity webinar with Alex Zhavoronkov - CEO of Insilico Medicine

Event Future of Ageing 2020: Together for tomorrow - Annual conference by the International Longevity Centre (virtual)

Event Future Superhuman: Our transhuman lives in a make-or-break century - Elise Bohan talks about her new book, Future Superhuman: Our Transhuman Lives in a Make-or-Break Century, at this London Futurists online event (FREE)

Event Living in the Age of the Jerk - author talk - Join the debate with Michael Baxter at London Futurists

Event LSE Future of Humanity Summit - Examines the most fundamental question about the future of humanity – our long term survival

Survival Information

Information Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence - Answers to the most common questions about Artificial Intelligence

Information Coronavirus (COVID-19) Advice for everyone - Advice and links to 111 service etc

Information Coronavirus Resource Center - Questions and answers covering symptoms, risks and treatment

Information Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) - Planetary defense mechanism demonstration and test to be carried out in 2021

Information Ebola entry on Wikipedia - Information about ebola disease

Information Ebola Fact Sheet - Information by WHO about ebola virus disease

Information Homeland Security Digital Library Pandemics and Epidemics - Including response plans for avian influenza, Ebola and Zika virus

Information Immortality roadmap - Plan to be immortal

Information National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies (2017 Edition) - Info that explains the risks of major emergencies that could affect the UK

Survival Products

Company Ally Smart Care

Product IBM Watson - AI platform for professionals.

Product Ultromics - AI-based ultrasound diagnostic support tool for coronary artery disease.

Survival People

Advocate Eleanor ’Nell’ Watson - AI Faculty at Singularity University

Advocate Jay Tate - Director, The Spaceguard Centre

Journalist Kelsey Piper

Resource Paul Chodas - Manager of the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at JPL

Survival Organisations

Academia Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) - Multidisciplinary research institute at the University of Oxford

Publisher - The daily web blog for prepared individuals living in uncertain times run by Jim Rawles

Publisher The Survival Mom - Blog for preppers run by Lisa Bedford

Survival Companies

Company Aerospace Exploration Agency (Jaxa) - Japanese national aerospace and space agency.

Company AiCure - AI and advanced data analytics company that monitors patient behavior.

Company Alcove - Care technology ecosystem pioneering independent living for older and disabled adults

Company Ally Labs - In-home early warning system for detecting increased frailty in elderly.

Company Apixio - Healthcare AI technology platform.

Company Aten Engineering - Company providing technical solutions in the areas of detection, discovery, follow-up and characterization of Near Earth Asteroids.

Company Atomwise - Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery.

Company Australian Centre for Robotic Vision - Company that's combining robotics and computer vision to give robots the ability to see.

Company Avalon AI - Machine Learning to help neuroradiologists make faster and more accurate diagnoses

Company BenevolentAI - Developer of artificial intelligence and computational medicine technologies

Company BIOS Health - BIOS is developing a full-stack neural interface platform.

Company Blue Origin - Company with the vision to enable a future for people to live and work in space.

Company Blueshift Memory - Big data consultancy.

Company Campaign to Stop Killer Robots - Coalition of organisations working to ban fully autonomous weapons.

Company Catalia Health - Catalia Health builds a platform to help engage people in managing their own health.

Company Deep Knowledge Analytics - DeepTech industry analytics and benchmarking known for its analytics and strategic consulting services on AI and DeepTech

Company DeepMind - Company developing AI systems for solving problems.

Company Emerj - Market research and publishing on the business impact of artificial intelligence

Company Eterly - Artificial intelligence app for life extension.

Company Exo - Company developing high-performance ultrasound platform and AI for imaging and therapeutics.

Company Field Ready - Company that provides humanitarian supplies made-in-field to places that have undergone emergencies.

Company General Fusion - Company developing a fusion power device.

Company Gero - AI-powered platform for drug discovery and drug repurposing for age-related diseases.

Company Global Bioenergies - French company developing solutions to reduce global and local emissions.

Company Global Challenges Foundation - Non-profit organization that seeks to raise awareness of global catastrophic risk.

Company Healx - Biotechnology company integrating artificial intelligence with expert pharmacology to discover treatments for rare diseases

Company Hexoskin - Leader in Smart Clothing, software & AI data analytics.

Company iamYiam - Personalised preventive precision health partner combining big health data, Ai, genetics and academic research

Company iFlytek - Information technology company specialized in speech intelligence and artificial intelligence technology

Company Inovio - Reshaping the future of treating and preventing cancer and infectious diseases by activating antigen-specific immune responses

Company - Iris is an AI Science Assistant, helping R&D double productivity when seeking out new opportunities in published research.

Company LabMinds - Automated lab for liquid solution preparation

Company LIFEdata AI - LIFEdata is a conversational service automation AI technology

Company Lumiata - Innovative AI company in the healthcare space.

Company Mars One - Mars One will establish the first human settlement on Mars.

Company NetraMark Corp - Combines proprietary QML/ML algorithms with cross-domain expertise to bring ML commercialization into reality.

Company NextIT - Intelligent virtual assistants (IVAs) and enterprise chatbots.

Company Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) - Humanitarian, non-governmental organisation that protects the rights of people affected by displacement.

Company NuMedii - Disrupting Drug Discovery Using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

Company ObEN - AI company that is building a decentralized AI platform for intelligent avatars.

Company OpenAI - AI research company, discovering and enacting the path to safe artificial general intelligence

Company Planet Labs - Earth imaging company with goal to image the entirety of the planet daily to monitor changes and pinpoint trends

Company Recursion Pharmaceuticals - Biotechnology company combining experimental biology and automation with artificial intelligence.

Company Survival Condo - Atlas Missile Silo turned Luxury Condos.

Company TwoXAR - Drug discovery and development company.

Company United States Geological Survey (USGS) - Scientific agency of the United States government which studies the landscape of the United States and the natural hazards that threaten it

Company Virgin Galactic - Spaceflight company developing commercial spacecraft.

Company Woebot Health - The world’s first mental health ally for people and businesses, with scalable, meaningfully engaging AI

Company Youth Laboratories - Artificial Intelligence for the impartial analysis of skin health & testing the efficiency of anti-aging products.

Survival Institutes

Institute Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) - Computing research to improve people's living, work and health.

Institute Future of Life Institute (FLI) - Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence

Institute German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) - Nonprofit contract research institute for software technology based on artificial intelligence methods.

Institute Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) - Independent monitoring body for global health crises created by WHO and World Bank

Institute International Longevity Centre UK - UK’s specialist think tank on the impact of longevity on society, and what happens next

Institute London Futurists - Looking to the future impact of technology on society and heatlh and everything

Institute NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Institute NASA Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS) - Center for computing asteroid and comet orbits and their probability of Earth impact

Institute National Academy of Sciences (NAS) - Non-profit organization of the America's leading researchers

Institute Resource Watch - Free, open data visualization platform that serves as a repository for the world's best available data

Institute Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL) - Center of excellence for Artificial Intelligence research.

Institute The Alan Turing Institute - National institute that undertakes research which tackles some of the biggest challenges in science, society and the economy

Institute World Health Organization (WHO) - Specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health