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The Future of Prosthetic Technology is Here


Key points from article :

Prosthetics can be traced back to about 3,000 years ago in Egypt.

Repurpose For Good uses 3D printing to turn recycled plastics into customized prosthetics.

Next Step's ankle system increases mobility with propulsion technology.

Power Knee from Ossur is a prosthetic motor-powered knee that provides symmetry, endurance, and strength

Touch Bionics' i-limb is a bionic hand where each finger has its own motor.

"The goal is to mirror the natural body as much as possible" - Steven Reincke.

The study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

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Brown University

Private Ivy League research university in Rhode Island.

John Donoghue

Professor of Neuroscience and Engineering at Brown University.


Advanced and innovative technologies within the fields of prosthetics, braces, supports and compression therapy

Power Knee

Bionic knee for above-knee amputees.

The New England Journal of Medicine

Scientific Journal devoted to medical research.

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