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Greg Behar

President and CEO of Nestlé Health Science

Greg Behar has served as Chief Executive Officer of Nestlé Health Science, a health sciences company, since October 2014.He currently serves on the board of directors of Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: AIMT) and Seres Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: MCRB). Greg Behar holds an M.B.A. from INSEAD in France, a M.S. in mechanical engineering and manufacturing from EPFL in Switzerland, and a B.S. in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles. We believe that Greg Behar’s extensive business experience in the health sciences and pharmaceutical industries qualifies him to serve on our board of directors.

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See also

Nestlé Health Science

Company providing medical nutrition through health care providers

Details last updated 23-Oct-2020

Greg Behar News

Nestle signs $120 million deal with Seres for ‘healthy gut’ drugs

Nestle signs $120 million deal with Seres for ‘healthy gut’ drugs

Reuters - 11-Jan-2016

To develop and commercialize medicines aimed at restoring a healthy bacteriological balance in th...