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Don't use HbA1c to diagnose type 2 diabetes in anaemic patients

The advantage of HbA1c is that it doesn't require you to keep fasting


Key points from article :

WHO recommends that HbA1c value of 6.5 per cent or more can be considered as diagnostic of diabetes.

But in an anaemic patient using HbA1c for diagnosis of type 2 diabetes can lead to false diagnosis.

29 per cent of non-pregnant women and 13 per cent of men in have anaemia.

12 studies done between 1990 and 2014 showed that iron deficiency with or without anaemia led to high HbA1c levels.

But these high HbA1c levels were not accompanied by a corresponding rise in blood glucose.

In the setting of iron deficiency HbA1c will diagnose more people as diabetics than the actual number.

Research by University of Nottingham.

Topics mentioned on this page:
Diabetes, Blood Sugar Testing